Race Guide May 2025
Date | Running event | Venue |
Country |
km |
1 | Lauffestival Bad Blumau | Bad Blumau | Austria | 5.2-10.5-21 |
3 | Welschlauf | Ehrenhausen - Wies | Austria | 12-21-42 |
4 | Prague Marathon | Praha (Prague) | Czechia | 42 |
4 | Weltkulturerbelauf | Bamberg | Germany | 4.4-10.7-21 |
4 | Ostseeküstenlauf | Rerik | Germany | 1.2-5-10-21 |
9 | Meißner Nachtlauf | Meißen | Germany | 17.6 (8.8+8.8) |
10 | Schweriner Nachtlauf | Schwerin | Germany | 5-10-15-20 |
10 | Tusnad Marathon | Băile Tușnad (Tusnadfürdő) | Romania | 23 |
10 | Košice Peace Half Marathon | Košice | Slovakia | 4-10.5-21 |
10-11 | Bucharest Half Marathon | București (Bucharest) | Romania | 2.5-10-21 |
17 | Karlovy Vary Half Marathon | Karlovy Vary | Czechia | 10-21 |
17 | Rennsteiglauf | Schmiedefeld am Rennsteig | Germany | 21-42-74 |
17 | Maraton treh src | Radenci | Slovenia | 5-10-21-42 |
18 | Salzburg Marathon | Salzburg | Austria | 10-21-42 |
18 | Run 15 | Wien (Vienna) | Austria | 4-8 |
18 | Jaskanski polumaraton | Jastrebarsko | Croatia | 5-10-21 |
18 | Grömitzer Sun-Run | Grömitz | Germany | 5-10-21 |
18 | Kékes Csúcsfutás | Mátrafüred | Hungary | 11.6 |
24 | Tatai Tó Futás | Tata | Hungary | 3.5-7-14-21-42 |
24 | Moonlight Half Marathon | Jesolo | Italy | 3-10-21 |
25 | Maisel's Fun Run | Bayreuth | Germany | 5-10-21 |
25 | Würzburg Marathon | Würzburg | Germany | 10-21-42 |
31 | Mondseelauf | Mondsee | Austria | 5-10-21 |
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