21st Kahlenberg Run 2010

Vienna (Austria), Sunday 10 October 2010

Kahlenberg and River Danube, Vienna (Copyright © 2011 runinternational.eu)


This hill running event, staged on the northern edge of Austria's capital city Vienna, features a moderate elevation gain of approximately 400 metres.

Competitors run 8.6 kilometres along roads and trails. The route includes a long mild downhill section.

The start is in Kahlenbergerdorf, a village on the right bank of the River Danube, surrounded by woods and vineyards. The village is situated 8 kilometres to the north of Vienna's city centre, but it's still within the city limits.

The route runs up the wooded hills of the Wienerwald. The finish line is at the transmission tower on the Kahlenberg (484m), a popular day-tripping destination as it offers fine views of the Danube and the city in the distance.

In 2009, the winners were Tomasz Sommer (38:24) and Teresa Weisz (46:56).


Country: Austria

Venue (Map): Vienna (Kahlenbergerdorf - Kahlenberg)

Date: 10 October 2010 (Sunday)

Race distance: 8.6km (+406m, -90m)

Start: 10.00 at the Jachthafen (marina) in Kahlenbergerdorf

Finish: Kahlenberg (484m)

Entries: online (until 8 Oct 2010, cash payment on the day); late entries on the day

Entry fees: 12 EUR (for entries until 8 Oct), 15 EUR (on 10 Oct)

Race centre: Pfarrheuriger (wine tavern) in Kahlenbergerdorf (8.00-9.00)

You get: (?)

Prizes: trophies to the first 3 in each category

Award ceremony: 12.00 at the Pfarrheuriger in Kahlenbergerdorf

Number of finishers 2009: 124

Event website (in German): hoehenstrassenlauf.com


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