15. Ljubljanski maraton 2010
Ljubljana (Slovenia), Sunday 24 October 2010
The growth rate of Slovenia's largest running event is impressive.
In 2009, more than 6,300 took part in either the half or the full marathon, and another 4,700 runners (more than half of them women) participated in the 9.2km race, which starts two hours earlier.
The half marathon consists of one lap, the full marathon of two laps. Be aware that the time limit for the first lap of the marathon is 2hrs 15min!
A new course was introduced last year, starting in front of the massive 1950s Parliament Building and finishing nearby on the vast concrete car park of Trg Republike ("Republic Square").
The route, which is very mildly undulating, runs clockwise around the wooded Rožnik Hill and through residential and industrial parts of Ljubljana.
You don't run through the beautiful old town with its narrow cobbled streets but it's so close to the finish area that many runners go there for a coffee or lunch after the race.
In 2009, Caroline Cheptonui Kilel of Kenya celebrated victory in the women's marathon in a world-class time of 2:25:24. William Biama, also of Kenya, won the men's race in 2:10:12
Photos, results and race reports: 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009
Country: Slovenia
Venue (Map): Ljubljana (Zagreb 136km, Udine 145km, Graz 194km, Budapest 450km)
Date: 24 October 2010 (Sunday)
Distance: 9.2km; 21.1km, 42.2km; children 200m-4200m
Start time: 8.30 (9.2km); 10.30 (21km and 42km); children's races: Saturday 23 October
Start: Šubičeva ulica (in front of the parliament)
Finish: Trg Republike (very close to the start, opposite of the parliament)
Entries: online or by post; payment by bank transfer; entries close 19 October 2010
Entry fees (9.2km): 20* EUR (until 30 September), 30* EUR (until 19 October)
Entry fees (21km, 42km): 25* EUR (until 30 September), 35* EUR (until 19 October)
* 3 EUR off if you use your own ChampionChip
You get: finisher medal (21km, 42km)
Prizes: medals to the first 3 in each category (all races); marathon: prize money to the first 8 men and 6 women and to the first 3 Slovene finishers (prizes are not cumulative)
Number of finishers 2009: 4703 (9.2km), 5437 (half marathon), 894 (marathon)
Event website (in Slovene and English): www.ljubljanskimaraton.si
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