7th Vogau 12hour Race 2010
The small village of Vogau in the far south of Austria comes to life each year in May when hundreds of asphalt aficionados pound its streets for a whole day.
The event offers a 6hour and a 12hour ultra marathon, as well as 12hour relay races for teams of 2-4 runners and teams of 5-20 runners.
The start of the 12hour races is at 8am. The 6hour runners join the field at 2pm.
The course is 1829.62 metres long, traffic-free, flat and certified by AIMS.
Along the route there will be a disc jockey and a feed station that provides all sorts of food and drinks (including two varieties of beer).
In 2009, the event saw more than 700 participants but as most of them were relay runners there were never more than 186 on the course at the same time. The winners of the 12hour race were Gerhard Eggenreich (135.4km) and Claudia Mauerhofer (105.3km).
Country: Austria
Venue (Map): Vogau (Maribor 23km, Graz 44km)
Date: 8 May 2010 (Saturday)
Distance: 6hour; 12hour; 12hour relay (2-4 person); 12hour mega relay (5-20 person)
Start time: 8.00 (12hour races), 14.00 (6hour race)
Entries ("Anmeldung"): online or by e-mail (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) until 13 April, late entries only after consultation with the race organizers; payment by bank transfer
Entry fees (6h): 35/40 EUR (until 13 April/late entries)
Entry fees (12h): 40/45 EUR
Entry fees (12h, 2-4 person relay): 30/33 EUR per person
Entry fees (12h, 5-20 person relay): 25/28 EUR per person
Timing: ChampionChip - use your own chip or rent a chip for 3 EUR (25 EUR deposit)
Race centre: Kultursaal Vogau (Friday 7 May 18.30-20.30, on the day 6.45-7.30 and 12.00-13.45)
You get: T-Shirt, medal, a present; massage (for individual and 4-person relay runners)
Prizes: ?
Presentation: 21.30
Number of finishers 2009: 64 (6h), 64 (12h), 14 relay teams, 44 mega relay teams
Event website (in German): www.12stundenlauf.at
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