Saturday 29 March 2025

Ślęża, Poland (Copyright holder: Julo / / public domain)


The Półmaraton Ślężański (Ślęża Half Marathon) is a very popular road running event held each March in the Lower Silesia Province in Poland.

Entries may fill up well before the closing date, so get your registration in early.

Starting and ending in the small town of Sobótka, the route is a scenic loop around Mount Ślęża (718m, pictured), a holy place for local tribes in ancient times.

Nowadays, Ślęża is a protected area and a popular hiking destination.

The route runs through rural areas and woods and pretty villages. The race course has been certified by the Polish Athletic Association PZLA. But it's not flat at all. The difference between the lowest and the highest point on the course is about 200 metres!

The time limit to finish the half marathon is three hours.


Map of the venue:


17. Półmaraton Ślężański:


  • 29 March 2025 (Saturday)

Race distance:

  • 21.1km Półmaraton
  • 5km Piątka Ślężysława

Entry limit:

  • 3,000 runners (for both races combined)

Event website:


Number of half marathon finishers:

  • 2024: 2,325
  • 2023: 1,953
  • 2022: 1,754
  • 2021: 1,314
  • 2020: Event cancelled
  • 2019: 4,059
  • 2018: 4,078


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