Sunday 13 October 2024

RB Arena, Leipzig, Germany (Copyright © 2017 Hendrik Böttger /


The Mitteldeutscher Marathon is a running event held yearly in Mitteldeutschland (Central Germany).

It offers races for all abilities:

  • 650m fun run ("Schnupperlauf")
  • 2.7km ("Salzwirkerlauf")
  • 10km
  • 10km walking
  • 21.1km half marathon (Halbmarathon)
  • 42.2km marathon
  • 42.2km marathon relay for teams of four (Marathonstaffel)

The marathon and the relay feature a point-to-point route from the city of Leipzig in the state of Sachsen (Saxony) to the city of Halle (Saale) which is located on the Saale river in Sachsen-Anhalt (Saxony-Anhalt).

Starting near the RB Arena (pictured above), the home stadium of the RB Leipzig football club, the route takes the runners along two rivers—the Neue Luppe and the Weiße Elster—to the finish line on Marktplatz, Halle's main square (pictured below).

All the other races begin and end in Halle.


Marktplatz, Halle (Saale), Germany - Copyright © 2014 Hendrik Böttger /


Map of the venue:


21. Mitteldeutscher Marathon:


  • 13 October 2024 (Sunday)

Event website:


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