Saturday 16 March 2019
General information and map of the venue:
Race information:
- 16 March 2019 (Saturday)
- Czech Republic
- Zlín (100km from Brno, 105km from Ostrava, 150km from Bratislava, 175km from Vienna)
Start/finish area:
- at the sad Burešov allotment gardens in the north-eastern part of the city
Race distance:
- 5km (one lap)
- 10km (two laps)
Start time:
- 10.00
- online
- late entries on the day from 8.45
Entry fees:
- CZK 100 (ca. €4) for online entries with payment up to 14 March 2019
- CZK 200 (ca. €8) for late entries on the day
You get:
- chip timing
- changing facilities
- drinks
- soup after the race
Award ceremony:
- at 11.30
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