Velden am Wörther See (Austria), Thursday 26 October 2017
General information and map of the venue |
Race information: 12. Veldener Casinolauf 2017
Country: Austria
Venue: Velden am Wörther See (17km from Villach, 21km from Klagenfurt, 94km from Ljubljana)
Date: 26 October 2017 (Thursday; public holiday in Austria)
Race distance:
- 6.5km (Casinolauf: five laps: 5 x 1.3km)
- 250m-430m-750m-1.5km-2.25km-3km (Kinderlauf: children born 2002 or later)
Start time:
- 10.30: 6.5km
- 11.20-12.30: kids run
Start/finish area: at the Casino Velden (in the town centre)
Bib pick-up and late entries: Casino Velden
- online (up to 24 October 2017, 19.00)
- late entries on the day
Entry fees (6.5km):
- € 10 (up to 24 October 2017)
- € 12 (on 26 October 2017)
Entry fees (children's races):
- € 5 (up to 24 October 2017)
- € 6 (on 26 October 2017)
Timekeeping: ChampionChip — use your own chip or rent a chip (chip rental fees may apply)
You get:
- a meal
- free parking (Casino Parkgarage)
Award ceremony: at 13.00
Number of finishers 2017:
- 6.5km: 107
- children's races: 111
Number of finishers 2016:
- 6.5km: 117
- children's races: 138
Event website:
No guarantee is made as to the accuracy or thoroughness of the information on this page! Please visit the official event website to verify the above information.