Fagagna (Italy), Sunday 26 November 2017

Marcia internazionale per le colline di Fagagna - a runner at the Castello di Fagagna, Province of Udine, Italy (Copyright © 2014 Hendrik Böttger / runinternational.eu)


General information and map of the venue


Photos: 34. Marcia per le colline di Fagagna 2012


Event details: 39. Marcia per le colline di Fagagna 2017

Country: Italy

Venue: Fagagna (15km from Udine, 85km from Trieste, 125km from Venice)

Date: 26 November 2017 (Sunday)

Routes: ca. 4km, 7km, 12km, 21km, 30km

Start time: from 8.00 until 9.30

Start and finish: Corte del Municipio di Fagagna, Piazza Unità d'Italia


  • individuals: in person in the start area (on the day 8.00-9.30)
  • groups: advance entries by email (up to 25 November 2017, 20.00)

Entry fees: € 3 (€ 2.50 for FIASP members)

You get: snacks and drinks on the course and at the finish

Timekeeping: No. This is a non-competitive event without timekeeping or results lists.

Prizes: to the 15 largest groups

Award ceremony: at 11.30

Number of participants 2016: 2,438

Official event information (in Italian): Volantino - 39. Marcia per le colline di Fagagna 2017


No guarantee is made as to the accuracy or thoroughness of the information on this page.