Erding (Germany), Sunday 25 September 2016
This Stadtlauf in Germany's state of Bayern (Bavaria) draws a crowd of about 1,000 runners to the historic centre of Erding, an old beer-brewing town of 36,000 residents, situated in an agricultural region near the city of München (Munich).
Last year, Julian Kreibich (32 minutes 1 second) and Bernadette Pichlmaier (39 minutes 41 seconds) were the fastest of 624 finishers in the 10k race, which is five laps of an accurately-measured course through the town centre.
Around 350 young athletes took part in the children's races.
In order to avoid overcrowding on the course, the 10k runners start in two waves. The faster runners start off at 2.30pm, the others one hour later. The time limit to complete the course is 90 minutes.
Country: Germany
Venue (Map): Erding (14km from Munich Airport, 40km from Munich city centre)
Date: 25 September 2016 (Sunday)
Race distance: 800m-1.5km-2.5km (children's races), 10km
Start time: 12.00-13.00 (children), 14.30 (10km: first wave), 15.30 (10km: second wave)
Start area: Lange Zeile
Finish area: Schrannenplatz (near the start area)
Race centre: Frauenkircherl, Schrannenplatz (24 September 2016, 15.00-18.00; on the day from 9.30)
Entries: online (up to 18 September 2016); late entries on the day
Entry fees (10km): € 10/12/15/17 (up to 7 Aug/11 Sep/18 Sep/25 Sep 2016)
Timekeeping: abavent transponder timing (included in the entry fees)
You get: drinks on the course, fruit and drinks at the finish, a souvenir gift to all finishers; entrants can order a technical T-shirt (€ 12) or buy a T-shirt in Erding (€ 14)
Showers and changing facilities: yes
Prizes (10km): to the first 3 men and women, to the fastest finisher in each age group, to the three largest groups
Award ceremony: on Schrannenplatz (children: 13.30; 10km: soon after the race)
Number of finishers 2015: 347 (children's races), 624 (10km)
Event website (in German):
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