Prague (Czech Republic), Sunday 25 September 2016

Memorial to the oldest annual running race in Europe. Prague-Běchovice, Czech Republic (Author: User:Miaow Miaow / / public domain)


The Běchovice-Praha 10k road race in Prague has been held every year since 1897 (like the Boston Marathon), which makes it one of the world's oldest continuously running footraces.

Starting in Praha-Běchovice in the eastern part of the city, the race follows an undulating 10,031m-long point-to-point course. The finish line is in Praha 3, approximately four kilometres to the east of the Old Town.

The event incorporates the Czech 10k Championships. Last year, Jakub Zemaník (30 minutes 50 seconds) and Eva Vrabcová (33 minutes 27 seconds) led a field of 2,376 athletes across the finish line. The entry limit is 3,333 runners.


Country: Czech Republic

Venue (Map): Praha-Běchovice — Praha 3

Date: 25 September 2016 (Sunday)

Race distance: 10,031 metres

Start time:

  • 11.30: Czech Championships
  • 11.45: open race (men born 1997-1977, women born 1997 or earlier)
  • 12.15: open race (men born 1976 or earlier)

Start: at the 13km stone on Ceskobrodská street in Praha-Běchovice

Finish: at the junction of Koněvova and Za Žižkovskou vozovnou streets in Praha 3

Race centre:

  • TOP4RUNNING shop, Náplavní 2013/1, Praha 2 (19-23 September 2016)
  • základní škola (primary school) in Praha-Běchovice (on the day from 8.00 until one hour before the start)

Entries: online (up to 7 September 2016); entry limit: 3,333 runners

Entry fees: 400/600/800 CZK (up to 30 June/7 September/25 September 2016)

Exchange rate: 100 CZK = ca. 3.70 EUR (May 2016)

You get: technical T-shirt, a badge, certificate, transport of personal clothing from the start to the finish area, bib chip timing, refreshments at the 5km mark and at the finish

Showers and changing facilities: yes

Prizes: prize money to the first 8 men and 6 women in the Czech Championships

Award ceremony: at 12.45 in the finish area

Number of finishers 2015: 2,376

Event website (in Czech):



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