San Daniele del Friuli (Italy), Sunday 25 September 2016

Marcia della Solidarietà 2015, San Daniele del Friuli, Italy (Copyright © 2015 Hendrik Böttger /


Almost 1,200 runners and hikers took part in the Marcia della Solidarietà 2015 which served as a trial run for the new Marcia tra le Colline del Prosciutto 2016.

A marcia is a non-competitive event without timekeeping or results lists. It doesn't matter if you run or jog or walk. Prizes are not awarded to the fastest finishers but to the largest groups of participants.

This marcia will offer four routes (3km, 7km, 11km and 19km long) through the lovely colline (hills) around San Daniele del Friuli, a small town renowned for its prosciutto (dry-cured ham), situated in the Friuli area in the north-east of Italy.

All routes will be very scenic and varied. In 2015, we tested the 19km route which took us on mixed terrain (asphalt, gravel and trails) through woods, meadows, agricultural areas, villages, and along a canal.

The route also visited a well-preserved Word War One fort (Forte di Col Roncone) and a 13th-century castle, the Castello di Tricano:


Castello di Tricano, Rive d'Arcano, Friuli, Italy (Copyright © 2015 Hendrik Böttger /


Country: Italy

Venue (Map): San Daniele del Friuli (23km from Udine, 95km from Trieste, 125km from Venice)

Date: 25 September 2016 (Sunday)

Routes: ca. 3km, 7km, 11km, 19km

Start time: from 8.30 until 9.30

Start/finish area: Parco del Castello

Entries: on the day in the start area

Entry fees: € 3 (€ 2.50 for FIASP members)

Timekeeping: No, this is a non-competitive event (manifestazione podistica ludico motoria).

You get: feed stations on the course and in the start/finish area

Prizes: to the largest groups

Number of finishers 2015 (Marcia della Solidarietà): 1,193


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