Neubrandenburg (Germany), Saturday 8 June 2013

The Tollensesee and the town of Neubrandenburg, Germany (Author: Botaurus at German Wikipedia / public domain / photo modified by


Held in the Mecklenburg Lake District in northern Germany, the Tollenseseelauf offers a 10k run, a half marathon, a full marathon, a marathon relay race, and a 13k for walkers and nordic walkers.

The self-proclaimed "Der Härteste im Norden" ("The hardest in the north") features a very challenging course indeed.

Although there are no significant hills in the region the course is far from flat. Marathoners face over 450 metres of ascent (and the same of descent).

The race is run on all sorts of terrain (asphalt, cobbles, concrete, dirt roads, forest trails, ...) through lovely rolling countryside.

The marathon begins and ends in a park on the edge of Neubrandenburg, a town of 65,000 people, situated about 140 kilometres north of Berlin.

The route is one loop around the 10km-long Tollensesee, the eighth-largest of more than 1000 lakes in the region. The shorter races are point-to-point courses.

Over 1000 runners from eight countries took part in the Tollenseseelauf 2012. The marathon winners were Silvio Nohke (2:51:13) and Bärbel Lemme (3:20:25).


Tollensesee-Lauf, T-shirt (Copyright © 2012 Run International EU)


Country: Germany

Venue (Map): Neubrandenburg (Szczecin 96km, Rostock 117km, Berlin 141km, Hamburg 254km)

Date: 8 June 2013 (Saturday)

Race distance: 42.2km; 21.1km; 10km; 42.2km relay (4 runners); 13km (walking and nordic walking); 2km; children 800m and 400m

Start (42km): 10.00 in the Kulturpark in Neubrandenburg

Start (21km): 11.00 at Schloss Hohenzieritz

Start (10km): 11.15 in Klein Nemerow

Finish: Kulturpark in Neubrandenburg

Entries: online (up to 2 June 2013); late entries on the day (until 9.30)

Entry fees (42km): € 25/30/35/38 (up to 28 Feb/30 May/2 June/8 June 2013)

Entry fees (21km): € 11/15/20/23 (up to 28 Feb/30 May/2 June/8 June 2013)

Entry fees (10km/13km): € 6/9/12/15 (up to 28 Feb/30 May/2 June/8 June 2013)

Timing: chip timing (included in the entry fees)

Race centre: Jahnsportforum, Kulturpark, Neubrandenburg (7 June 2013, 17.00-20.00; on the day 7.30-10.00)

You get: technical T-shirt (42km); bus service and transport of personal clothing (10km, 21km, 42km relay); chip timing; medal; certificate

Prizes: trophies and product prizes to the first 3 M/F (10km, 21km and 42km) and to the winners of each category; certificates to the first 3 in each category; prizes to the best relay teams

Showers and changing facilities: Jahnsportforum

Number of finishers 2012: 139 (42km), 270 (21km), 443 (10km), 45 relay teams, 91 walkers

Event website (in German):


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