World Masters Mountain Running Championships 2011 - Paluzza (Italy)

Paluzza (Italy), Saturday 17 September 2011

WMMRC 2011, Paluzza, course photos (Copyright © 2011

The first part of the course looks so easy - but ...

Shortly before the big event we have visited the course of the WMMRC 2011 in Paluzza, a very small town in the Carnic Alps in the Province of Udine in north-eastern Italy.

Paluzza sits in a narrow valley at an elevation of around 600 metres. The town is surrounded by several mountains over 2000 metres high. Very well known is the Monte Zoncolàn (1750m) which has been included four times in a mountain stage of the Giro d'Italia bicycle race.

The WMMRC course is lovely and very challenging. Start and finish are on the relatively small main square in the centre of Paluzza. The route is 5.5km long. Runners aged 35-54 will run two loops. Runners aged 55-79 will run a shorter loop of 3.2km, and then a 5.5km-loop.

The first part of the course is undulating on a mix of paved roads and grass. Then, the route goes up into the forest. There are no long climbs or descents but the course is highly technical, always up and down, left and right on narrow trails, over tree roots, rocks and old cobbled roads, and the route features some very steep short climbs.

Back in town, there is a long finishing straight, which will probably be packed with spectators.

The event is organized by the "Unione Sportiva Aldo Moro" which is very experienced of staging mountain running races, among them the Skyrace Carnia in June and the Memorial Erwin Maier in September. About 1000 runners have registered already for the World Championships.

Event details 2011

Photos and Results 2011

WMMRC 2011, Paluzza, course photos (Copyright © 2011

At first, competitors will run on paved roads ...

WMMRC 2011, Paluzza, course photos (Copyright © 2011

... and grass ...

WMMRC 2011, Paluzza, course photos (Copyright © 2011

 ... uphill ...

WMMRC 2011, Paluzza, course photos (Copyright © 2011

... and downhill around Paluzza.

WMMRC 2011, Paluzza, course photos (Copyright © 2011

The route is very interesting ...

WMMRC 2011, Paluzza, course photos (Copyright © 2011

... and variable.

WMMRC 2011, Paluzza, course photos (Copyright © 2011

The forest is lovely, ...

WMMRC 2011, Paluzza, course photos (Copyright © 2011

... as are the villages ...

WMMRC 2011, Paluzza, course photos (Copyright © 2011

... and the scenery.

WMMRC 2011, Paluzza, course photos (Copyright © 2011

The trails in the forest ...

WMMRC 2011, Paluzza, course photos (Copyright © 2011

... are often steep ...

WMMRC 2011, Paluzza, course photos (Copyright © 2011

... with many twists and turns, ...

WMMRC 2011, Paluzza, course photos (Copyright © 2011

... and they are narrow ...

WMMRC 2011, Paluzza, course photos (Copyright © 2011

... and tricky.

WMMRC 2011, Paluzza, course photos (Copyright © 2011

The downhill sections are very challenging, ...

WMMRC 2011, Paluzza, course photos (Copyright © 2011

... in particular the ancient cobbled roads in the forest.

WMMRC 2011, Paluzza, course photos (Copyright © 2011

And when you think it's all over the route goes steep uphill again.

WMMRC 2011, Paluzza, course photos (Copyright © 2011

On the way down to Paluzza, there are more cobbles ...

WMMRC 2011, Paluzza, course photos (Copyright © 2011

... but soon you will reach the finishing straight ...

WMMRC 2011, Paluzza, course photos (Copyright © 2011

... where crowds of enthusiastic supporters will create a vibrant atmosphere.